1989: DMV ULg
1989-1990: Internship in The Radiology
Department of Purdue University (Indana, USA)
1990-1991: Externship in the Radioogy
Department of Cambridge University (Cambridge, UK)
1991: Certificate in Veterinary Radiology,
Royal College of London (RCVS, UK).
1991-1993: Imaging Department Of University
of Liege, Assistantship.
1994-2017: Private referral Center of
Imaging , Brussels.
2017- now: Creation of VETIMACS, referral
center of Imaging (MRI 1,5T, CT scan 64 slices, US, Digital Radiography).
Publications: in national and international
scientific reviews.
Education: Continuing education in Belgium,
France, UK, USA.
Presentation in national and international
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